Goya consolidates as the "best-known" brand for consumers in Puerto Rico

Marca Goya en Estudio Marcas que MarcanAccording to the Study “Marcas que Marcan 2017″ by the Association of Executives of Sales and Marketing of Puerto Rico (SME), Goya consolidates one more year as the first brand that comes to the mind of Puerto Rican consumers followed by Toyota, Clorox, Coca -Cola and Nike.

Likewise, 45% of local consumers identify Goya, followed by Medalla, Café Yaucono, Arroz Rico, Ace, Econo and Coca-Cola as the brands that best represent Puerto Rico.

As confirms Michelle Pérez, president of the SME “given the importance of knowing the positioning of our brands, this year, the Association integrated 18 new categories of products and services to explore which are the most remembered brands, which our consumers consider as leading brands and what were their latest buying patterns in the selected categories. These data provide a good reference point prior to the hurricanes Irma and María, and it will be very interesting to see how it changes or is sustained in 2018. ”

According to the Study “Marcas que Marcan 2017″, the six main attributes that Puerto Rican consumers look for in a brand and whose ranking in the last 11 years Goya consecutively leads, are:

  • Quality – 67% want it to be a brand recognized for its quality.
  • Experience – 38% want it to be a brand with a track record and experience.
  • Economy – 36% want it to be an economic brand.
  • Value – 30% seeks to provide you with more value for your money.
  • Service – 28% look for a good service.
  • Innovation – 28% want it to be an innovative brand.