


Goya España turns 45 years

In Goya España we are celebrating an important anniversary: our factory in Alcalá de Guadaíra turns 45 years old.

Since our beginings, first in Polysol Polygon, and since 1998, in the current plant also located in Alcalá de Guadaíra, Goya España factory has been adapting to market demands, thus facing important renovations and advances in R & D. These include the expansion of the space for storage and conservation in deposits and packaging of olives, the implementation of weight control systems and traceability of production and the remodeling of cooking and olives dressing warehouses.

These technical advances together with the dedication of all of us who are part of the Goya España family allow us to continue working in a determined way to offer the highest quality in our oils and olives to the most demanding consumers in the five continents, because “If it´s Goya … it has to be good. “