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Goya® Organics wins Gold Medal at the XX Edition of Ecotrama

The XX edition of Ecotrama, the International Contest for Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oils, organized by Ecovalia and Diputación de Córdoba, has granted the Gold Ecotrama Medal to our Goya Organics Extra Virgin Olive Oil on its first participation at this contest.

Ecotrama 2021 included the participation of a total of 93 olive oils elaborated by 72 olive mills proceeding from Spain, Italy, and Tunisia.

Due to the COVID-19 sanitary crisis, the tasting panel took Ecotrama 2021 place for the second consecutive year at a country house in the province of Córdoba.  José María Penco headed the technical direction where renowned and prestigious EVOO tasters partook.

Complete list of winners here.