At Goya Spain we are aware of the need to support associations in our closest environment, actions that we develop through the Corporate Social Responsibility program.
Within this framework of action we want to share the action we have carried out together with the ONG WOŚP, collaborating in the I Festival of Solidarity held in Seville last January 26, with a strong humanitarian component objective: fundraising for hospitals and cancer centers in Poland.
Along with an extensive program of activities for attendees, the WOŚP_Sevilla festival featured an auction of products from different collaborating entities, including Goya Spain, with the donation of three lots of GOYA® Unico extra virgin olive oil.
About WOŚP_Sevilla Association
La ONG WOŚP* (La Gran Orquestra Solidaria de Navidad, en polaco Wielka Orkiestra Świątecznej Pomocy), nació hace 33 años en Polonia con el objetivo de recaudar fondos para adquirir equipos médicos para los hospitales públicos de Polonia. Cada año, la asociación fundada por el periodista musical Jurek Owsiak, organiza un gran festival de solidaridad y coordina las acciones realizadas fuera del país gracias a los grupos voluntarios como WOŚP_Sevilla.
Thank you WOŚP_Sevilla for inviting us to be part of your project and join efforts to achieve better hospital endowments in Poland.

Different moments of the I WOŚP_Sevilla Solidarity Festival.