Presentación de los cursos de cata de Goya España



Goya Spain starts its training program of tasting courses for professionals

Wencesalo Moreda.

As part of the events to commemorate the 50th anniversary of its establishment, Goya España has programmed a calendar of tasting courses for professional groups from different sectors. Last April, Goya’s facilities in Alcalá de Guadaíra hosted one of these training sessions for doctors from different specialties.

After the presentation of the company and its main indicators by the general manager of Goya Spain, Antonio Carrasco,the group of more than fifty doctors learned how to identify extra virgin olive oil, thanks to the indications of Goya’s Quality Assurance Manager, Antonio Martín..

Due to the professional profile of the group, the tasting course also had the participation of Wenceslao Moreda, head scientist of the Institute of Fat of the CSIC, who gave an interesting presentation on the presence of vegetable fats in the diet and their influence on health. With an extensive research career related to olive oil, Moreda is responsible for the OLEUM project of the Horizon 2020 program, which aims to solve the problems of quality and authenticity of olive oil.

After this first session, Goya España will continue with its program of tasting courses to raise awareness of the benefits of consuming extra virgin olive oil.

Different moments of the Goya España tasting course, with the interventions of the Quality Assurance manager, Antonio Martín and the General Manager of Goya España, Antonio Carrasco.